Sunday, February 19, 2023

Four Scenes

It’s Sunday! Here’s a short sermon, summing up my faith in the four scenes from Matthew 14. 

1: King Herod throws a party where he serves up the head of John the Baptist on a platter. 

2: Jesus feeds five thousand poor folks with five loaves and two fishes - and twelve baskets of broken pieces are leftover. 

3: Jesus walks on water to the disciples, paralyzed by fear, trying to cross a stormy sea. 

4: When they get to land, the sick flock to Jesus and get healed by touching the fringe of his cloak. 
The full platter is my warning sign. It represents those clinging to their wealth and power. They imprison the truth. They seek to sever our heads from our hearts, so we cannot think and feel outside the box of broken, oppressive systems. 

The basket of broken pieces is my way forward. It represents the little leftover morsels of honesty, humility, open-heartedness and a hope carried by the poor, the persecuted, the pure in heart and those who hunger and thirst for justice. 

The stormy sea is my chronic condition. It represents my predictable weather patterns, coping with fear, shame and resentment. I catastrophize. I repress hard feelings. I distance from intimacy. I pour myself into modes of production and performance. 

The cloak is my higher Power. It represents a God who shuns the suits and uniforms of supremacy and success. My healing comes from trusting and touching Something Else, found on the fringes of society, clothed in unconditional love and tenderness.

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