Wednesday, February 22, 2023


Today is Ash Wednesday, a somber day of reflection for those of us rooted in the Jesus tradition. I am reflecting on yesterday’s news that the Southern Baptist Convention decided to “disfellowship” from Saddleback Church, a community I attended twenty-five years ago. Disfellowship is a new word for me. As far as I can tell it means that Saddleback Church got cancelled. Why? Because Saddleback Church employs women as teaching pastors. 

The supremacist ideology that only men should be pastors comes from the Christian scriptures. There are a few bible verses that say that women are the “weaker sex” and must be quiet and submissive, and must never have authority over men. But the bible also says that those who get baptized are clothed with Christ in mutuality and that old hierarchies like "male" and “female” no longer apply! These kinds of biblical contradictions are beautiful. Because they force our faith to be humble and thoughtful. 

I’ve been blessed by a marriage partner (!) and women pastors, professors, principals, authors and activists whose words and actions hold so much weight and authority in my spiritual life. I can honestly say that without women leaders, I wouldn’t know shit about what matters most. Without women leaders, I would be mired in male modalities of power that lack nurture, feeling, creativity, appreciation, accountability, trust and tenderness. Without woman leaders, Christian churches and organizations suffer. This is the truth – no matter what the bible says.

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