Monday, May 1, 2023


In Texas, a man shot and killed five neighbors from Honduras and he’s still on the loose. In a social media post, the Christian governor of Texas referred to the victims of the murder as “illegal immigrants.” This is the same governor who rounds up refugees and dumps them on the streets of Washington DC. It’s absolutely disgusting. A few decades ago, theologian Dorothee Soelle called this increasingly popular brand of bogus faith “Christo-Fascism.” 

These folks worship work ethic, focus on their nuclear family and promote the greatness and innocence of America. When their versions of work, family and country are undermined or challenged or questioned, they find someone to scapegoat. Dark-skinned people. Poor folk. Powerful women. Anyone who’s not straight. You already know their dirty little secret. They will never call out the real predators: the wealthy and powerful corporate elites who fund their churches. 

Christo-Fascists blatantly counterfeit the biblical tradition to secure their status in society. Just study the Gospels and you will see. Jesus did the exact opposite of what this multitude of white Christians believe and say and do. Jesus moved on mercy, compassion, humility, open-heartedness and a ruthless critique of the wealthy and powerful. His radical love of neighbor broke the boundaries of work, family and country – and he expected those who bear his name to do the same.

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