Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Real Danger

As a follower of Jesus, I believe in “the Christmas spirit” of kindness, compassion, gentleness and generosity. I am also learning the limits of these virtues. I am not compelled by those who make the baby in the manger about practicing random acts of kindness or blanketing the world with a bland niceness. Jesus knew full well that just being nice, or just giving out charity, will not change the social, political and economic conditions that are killing people. In fact, if Jesus was just kind and compassionate—just nice to everyone no matter what—he would have lived a long life.

Instead, Jesus was kind and compassionate—and he took up the cross. He connected the dots and told the truth and suffered the consequences. Powerful elites conspired to kill Jesus because he spoke out against the policies and practices that powerful elites used to control the rest of the population. 2000 years after the manger, the real danger still arises from the agendas of powerful elites. They fund both political parties, major media outlets, most of our faith communities and more. If Jesus is the reason for the season, then I believe our best Christmas gift to the world is to unite against those who actively lie and deceive to create a world that only works for a few.

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