Sunday, September 5, 2021

Not a Rapture, But a Rupture

I feel like the pandemic and political climate have a lot of Christians placing even more emphasis on Jesus coming back soon to save the world. I am a follower of Jesus, but I do not subscribe to a belief in “the second coming.” I’m ok with the biblical writers being wrong about the triumphant return of Jesus. They were human, wrestling with faith, hope and love in the aftermath of profound trauma. The God I know does not sit on a throne. My higher Power hangs on a cross—and rises up in solidarity with all those who suffer. Regardless of race, religion, citizenship or sexuality. 

I’m not waiting for God to come down from on high. I believe that God bubbles up from below, coming up out of the cracks of empire. This is where I find divine wisdom. God works underground miracles from the margins like a mustard seed—an invasive weed that can “take over” a garden without warning. Not a rapture, but a rupture. Provoked by people who do justice, love mercy and walk humbly. I believe this kind of beloved community is far more hopeful and empowering than waiting for a Savior to rain down from on high in the future.

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