Sunday, April 9, 2023

The Final Word

Easter Sunday holds a lot of significance for my spiritual journey. Because the death of Jesus means something different than it used to. I no longer believe that the cross was God’s plan to save sinful humans from hell. The cross was a weapon of the Roman empire used to intimidate rebels, like Jesus, who raised hell. When Jesus told his disciples to take up the cross, it was a call to subvert Roman supremacy with truth and self-donating love. The cross was not about going to heaven when they died, but about leaving a little heaven where they lived. No matter what it cost. 

An old friend from high school recently told me that I wasn’t saved biblically speaking. She said that my beliefs have eternal consequences. While fundamentalist Christianity condemns and crucifies, Easter is a reminder for me that the original Jesus people did not pledge allegiance to empire and its supremacy stories. They placed their faith in a higher Power determined to bring dignity to every person - no matter what they look like, who they love or where they’re from. The good news of Easter is that Love rises up and refuses to let supremacy have the final word.

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