Sunday, February 5, 2023


The politics of hate are funded by wealthy and powerful people. The owners and managers of corporations, banks, financial institutions, and factory farms are heavily invested in putting the blame on everyone but them. They manipulate the fear, shame and rage of white folks and middle-class people by scapegoating socialism, wokeness, cancel culture and trans folk. Meanwhile, wealthy and powerful people sponsor politicians to create policies that increase corporate profits on the backs of ordinary people. 

The American political system was designed for a small portion of the population to be successful. Campaigns are corporate-funded. The Senate, the electoral college and the House redistricting process are anti-democratic. The court system caters to people who can pay for good lawyers. The Democratic Party is more “inclusive,” but it is corporate-funded too. The reforms that liberals propose will not transform the unjust structure – even if they are passed. 

I believe that our hope for healing and transformation grows with grassroots organizers. In every context, with very little recognition, they tirelessly struggle on behalf of those being exploited, displaced and poisoned by “successful” people whose moral imagination is shaped by the profit motive. When multitudes of us reject the corporate scripting and start to follow these brilliant people - most of them low-income women of color – the wealthy and powerful will stop winning.

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